- Writing asm for eBPF programs with the Go eBPF library
Playing with BPF assembly and Go
- Using the BPF ring buffer
Usage of the new BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF bpf map type
- Load XDP programs using the ip (iproute2) command
Some examples on how to use ip to load XDP programs
- What I learnt about Kubernetes Controllers
Some stuff I learnt about kubernetes controllers while working on an issue around Storage
- Go Post-mortem
Here I'm putting some flow examples, notes and resources around post-mortem debugging of Go programs, including, but not limited to, those running inside a Kubernetes cluster
- How I use systemd-nspawn
Personal considerations on the usage of systemd-nspawn for desktop applications and system services
- Why do we have containers
Speculations on why we do have containers